We protect ourselves with paper masks and plastic chairs while all around the virus lurks.The NHS staff barricaded behind a cardboard sign quickly cobbled together as the pandemic took its grip on us all. The invisible threat represented in gold leaf ever present and incorruptible.
Pitch black out there
Not a movement or sign of life.
Suddenly every door opens
Spilling shafts of light
Stripes across the black.
And silhouetted figures appear
Framed in doorways
A single hesitant clap
Breaks the silence
And one by one
A football rattle
A Spanish maraca
A wooden spoon on a saucepan
Someone cheered.
Ripples of sound travel
up and down the emptiness
For a minute.
Then one by one we disappear
Shut the doors behind us
And tightly draw the curtains.
Can be viewed in the reception of Hingham Surgery
Location: Hingham, Norfolk
Details Acrylic and gold leaf on canvas NFS